...He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
Last week I struggled with what I would meditate on tonight. I decided on a verse that went along with the last two, I thought. But every so often I would think again what am I meditating on? Then I would answer myself (yes, I talk to myself - I'm not crazy it is a result of living alone). I decided to meditate on I am God. My first clue that this wasn't going in the right direction should have been the I have decided part of the statement. All the while another verse would pop into my head throughout the week - I will give you the desires of your heart. I just brushed it off. Well come Friday, I guess God got tired of being subtle with His request and sat me down for a heart to heart. He wasn't angry; it was not chastiment. He was giving me the opportunity to be obedient. And what an eye opener that discussion was.
I want what I want. Oh, I will be patient (for the most part) and wait for God to fulfill the desire, but in the end I want what I want. God pointed out that my desire is an area of my life that I didn't want to relinquish control.
The verse God gave me to meditate on is often misinterpreted. I knew that when God said to meditate on it that it did not mean He would necessarily give me what I want. The true meaning of the verse is more along the lines of I (God) will plant in your heart My desires.
If I truly want to live in submission to God I must give over to Him my desires. Easy to say, but I have been trying to do that for the last 33 years as I have one desire that I have held onto my entire life. I want to be a wife and mother. When people ask me what I want to be when I grow up that is my answer. I hate being asked what do I want in five years because as I have grown older I am feeling less hopeful that my desire will be fulfilled. I also don't like the question where do you see yourself in five years because I see myself in the same place I am now.
Did you know that there is a difference in those two questions? The first, what do you want, is goal oriented. The second, where do you see, is more reality based. I hate answering either question - with the second I am just depressed. And with the first I have no idea how to reach it. I can't make someone fall in love with me. I know because I tried once and it just left me heartbroken and ashamed.
So where does this leave me? I think no matter how hard I try I will not be able to completely let go of the dream, but I can let go of the desire. I was talking to a friend at church last night about the heart to heart I had with God and he asked me what do I do to give control to God in this area of my heart, how am I to be obedient. My answer - I don't know.
That is where meditating tonight come in. I always look up the verse I am going to meditate on to make sure I understand the context. So when I looked up Psalm 37:4 tonight I read the first part - Delight yourself in the Lord. I think I am suppose to give over my longing, craving to be married and have a family to God by delighting in Him. By shifting my focus from my want to God, the desire for Him will increase and I will only want to focus on Him. I will no longer crave marriage, though may still dream of it, because I will find everything I long for in God. And should He send me a husband then it will be a blessing, a gift He bestows on me.
1 week ago
When I saw the verse that you posted at the top I thought to myself, "oh no! She's thinking of God as a vending machine!" however, as I read on I was so pleased to see that you interpreted the verse correctly and how you saw an area in your life that you need to give over to God. Very beautiful post.