It is so easy to find the bad things, the things that are going wrong in life, but it often takes purpose to find things that happen in life to be thankful for. Sure we recongize the big things - family, friends, jobs, etc. But what about the little things that happen everyday. We don't usually slow down enough to see those things that are small, but enrich our lives none the less. So Thursdays this year are going to be devoted to focusing on being thankful and as a reminder I am going to list things that have happened during the past week that may not have been huge, but that I am thankful they occurred.
- I am thankful that this was a short week at work, After being on holiday for two weeks, it was nice only having to go in for four days.
- I received a note of praise from my boss. It is not often that my boss says thank you, let alone praises you (this is only the second time in the almost nine years I have worked for him), so when it happens you know it is sincere. I had taken on a new task that culminated in a meeting on the last day before my holiday started. My boss is a sticklet for details, so I was nervous about how the meeting would go. It went great and my boss didn't just write a simple thank you, but wrote an entire paragraph - I want to frame it.
- I am thankful for the 1st and 2nd grade girls on my cheerleeding squad for just being there. I often don't want to go to practice because it is another hour of my already long day, but we have so much fun. It doesn't matter if they get the cheer exactly right and I'm reminded that it's okay to mess up from time to time. I laugh so hard at practive, not at the girls though they say and do some of the funniest things; no, I laug at myself and it is good to be reminded not to take myself so seriously all the time.
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