Be still and know I am God. Psalm 46:10
I have known this verse a long time, but I don't know if I have ever given it much thought. A few weeks ago I was reading a person's blog and she was telling about how upset she had gotten that day and that her husband told her to be still. This verse popped into my head. I had already been thinking about what I am suppose to do in order to show my submission to God. In light of that this verse came to hold more meaning.
I have mentioned that my prayer life has always been my weakest discipline, which is ironic since it is how as Christians we earn the most the strength. The biggest problem with my prayer is probably listening. I know prayer is a conversation, but I seem to monopolize the time. Another problem with my prayer life is being focused. I am easily distracted.
I realize I need to practice being still. What does it mean to be still? In Hebrew "be still" is the verb rapha and it means to be weak, to let go, to release. Hmm. It sounds a little like submitting (maybe that is why God prompted me to remember this verse when I was reading the blog I mentioned at the beginning of this post). I need to still not only my body, (I am not saying I can't pray while doing things but my attention is split and I find that I talk more) but I also need to still my mind. Again if I am doing another task while praying I cannot still my mind. However, a blank mind is dangerous, if I am not careful Satan can invade; therefore, the second half of the verse is the most important part of the verse and why I call it meditative Mondays I must know He is God. I have always thought it meant to be in awe of God, but there is more to it. On the site were I found the Hebrew verb ( there is a meditation on this verse. I learned a new name for God - Ribbono Shel Olam, Master of the Universe. Can God be any more pointed about what I should be focusing on? I know several names for God - Provider, Healer, My Banner, etc, - but I don't think I have ever heard this one and seriously if this name does not give the impression of being the One in control I don't know what would.
I thought this was a good verse to start with for my meditative Mondays. Like my Thankful Thursdays, it is a day for me to purposeful practice a discipline I should develop in my everyday life. Hopefully my setting aside time each week to intentionally practice it will naturally translate into all my other days. So today I tried for the first time to Be Still. After supper and after I called Mom, I set the timer on the microwave for 6 minutes and knelt in the living room.
I set the timer because I am a time freak. I wanted to make sure I wasn't tempted to look at my watch. I wanted to sit quietly for 5 minutes, focusing on Master of the Universe. I knelt because it is a position of submission and it a sign of reverence. Maybe I kneel wrong, but my feet started to fall asleep. I knew that my dogs would be a source of distraction, but I was able to quiet them some. I had lit the candles on the coffee table during dinner and they were still lit. My cats don't usually bother the candles, but of course tonight Josie walked along the table right next to the candles (when I closed my eyes I could hear her nails clacking on the table). Finally I got her to stay off the table. I don't know if it was all the distractions or what but the six minutes passed pretty quickly (I set it for 6 minutes because I wanted to allow time to walk from the kitchen to the living room and get settled so that I could meditate for 5 minutes).
So it may not have been a complete success but it was a start. I knew there would be challenges (I mean I am reestablishing my relation with God; Satan does not want me to do that so of course he will try to throw in roadblocks. However, I know that I serve Ribbono Shel Olam and He will light my path and I shall not stumble.) So I may not have been able to be completely be still for the 5 minutes, but I was able to focus completely for a few moments on my God. I would like to be able to be still for at least 30 minutes. Any suggestions on how to kneel so that my feet will not fall asleep? I may also attempt to lay prostrate as it is an even more vulnerable position.
1 week ago
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